I Am From Desire
from a house that was large and full.
I am from hollyhocks whose flowers
were made into dolls
I am from a town whose boundaries
seemed endless though so small.
I am from dreaming and imagining;
from playmates, pets and playgrounds
I am from conversations with Pat and Rose,
with Carol Johns and Mrs. Delambert; Gertrude was her name.
From piano lessons and the prairie song
I am from black cherry soda at the baseball park in summer
I am from a small school whose teachers taught more
than academics; about life and caring and fun.
I am from the wrong side of town
where I was often looked down upon;
where I was often looked down upon;
from hand sewn clothes and hand-me-downs.
I am from homemade bread and milk fresh from the cow
Because it was cheaper than the store brands.
From garden grown vegetables and oatmeal with currents
I am from homemade stew.
I am from a small school where everybody knew my name;
where teachers knew the sins of my family.
Some judged me for them while some
had pity on me because of them.
had pity on me because of them.
I am from the ones who believed in me
I am from a fatherless teen-hood from a mother
who worked long hours to provide for those yet to leave home.
who worked long hours to provide for those yet to leave home.
I am from learning to work on my own
from self discipline to succeed
from self discipline to succeed
and from resilience to exceed expectations
I am from independence learned to survive
from those who said I could not then proving them wrong.
I am from those who refused to believe in
the strength of self-reliance
the strength of self-reliance
from my own willingness
to get back up and try again.
to get back up and try again.
I am from prayer, from the prayers of many
and from the prayers of my own making.
I am from the voice in the wind
on the high hills and the lowest valleys;
on the high hills and the lowest valleys;
from the One who called me away from the chaos
I am from a refuge and a soft place to lie down.
I am from fighter instincts;
instincts that tell me what is worth fighting for.
instincts that tell me what is worth fighting for.
From the anger of an abused woman I stand strong;
powerful within but not so strong I can’t be broken
I am from the power of being free.
I am from friendship with women;
women whose lives speak without the use of words
I am from those who showed me far more than they told me;
and from their laughter when I couldn’t find
a reason to laugh on my own.
a reason to laugh on my own.
I am from the friendship of my husband;
a man who sees so much potential that I believe it myself.
I am from a love that won’t let go knowing all of my imperfections.
I am from unconditional love.
I am from all these things but ultimately…
I am from an intricate design that won’t be understood
I am from faith that believes I was created for a purpose
I am from a desire to find that purpose
and to do with it as much as I can
Until one day I become too tired to carry on.
I am from desire!
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