Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell
Amy Lynn Michael

Out of the shadows into the light
A battle each day for my soul I will fight
One step forward two steps back
Some things will fall between the cracks

I will press on with Christ by my side
Humbly I’ll walk relinquish my pride
Only striving to finish this day
Tomorrow’s not here won’t wish it away

I can’t walk back and fix what’s behind
The path before me is where I will find
Trials and pain, joy in the race
Shame washed away shattered by grace

I don’t understand why God chose me
To fight this battle where others can see
There must be a reason for a heart laid bare
Before the skeptics and those unaware

I wish I could know how my life will end
I can’t see down the road around the bend
Only God knows the time and the hour
When in my life He will release His power

I only know in my human frailty
That God will be strongest when I bow my knee
I will fight this fight I will fight it well
And one day I will win, only time will tell.

I found this poem from 2006 in my e-journal and thought I would share with my readers.  That time in my life was surrounded with much uncertainty and there were plenty of folks looking down at me because of where I had been and the things I had done.  I am thankful today for a resilience that helped me fight to be more than the skeptics believed I could be.

If you are that one under the looking glass of the skeptics, know that one day soon you too will find strength to move beyond their limited vision for you.  Time will tell.

Thanks for reading,

Amy Lynn


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