Grief is weird…

… it’s unfamiliar until you’ve experienced it. No two people react the same. In fact with each loss a person’s reaction is as different as the relationship they are grieving.

I was a little girl when my Aunt Lillie died, a teenager when my dad died and a 34 year old woman when my first husband, Bob, died. And all the pets in between that died all required a time to grieve. Believe it or not, I’ve quite a sensitive soul. I think at the core, we all are.

When someone close to you loses a loved one, it’s hard to know what to say or if you should say anything at all. 

For me, the people who have listened to me tell the same story for the hundredth time and smile just the same, are my life savers. I mean that quite literally, actually.

Over time I’ve tried to condition my mind to loss. I think if I can find a way to redirect my thoughts I’ll be ok. Reality, though, forces me to be open and feel what I feel in the private presence of a trusted friend.

However grief hits you, I pray you’ve someone to help you by listening to your stories or simply to hold you while you cry.

Yes, God is there and he sees and hears you. But there is no substitution for the touch of a human or beloved pet.

Love to all who are grieving this morning. No matter how fresh the wound or how many decades it’s been. I pray you have someone near you today.

Hugs from Kansas


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