
Showing posts from June, 2011

Strip Bar Malls

Courtship or dating if you prefer is at best an awkward time of getting to know a person who may become your life companion.  Communication is vital during this time and especially if you are dating from a distance as Mike and I did.  We talked on the phone for nearly four hours one evening, we found reason to have unlimited text message plans and we sent a lot of e-mail.  Communication to the max!  We needed this because we had both been in lengthy relationships prior.  One day I received an e-mail that for a second derailed this love story.  Mike was describing his social life when I read, or rather thought I read, "tonight I'm going to tour the strip bar malls of Overland Park". STRIP BAR malls?!  He is going to a strip bar mall?!!  I was horrified.  What had I gotten myself into?  I thought I had better re-read that sentence just to make sure what I had read before I dumped the chump.  I am so glad I did!  Because what he h...

Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell Amy Lynn Michael Out of the shadows into the light A battle each day for my soul I will fight One step forward two steps back Some things will fall between the cracks I will press on with Christ by my side Humbly I’ll walk relinquish my pride Only striving to finish this day Tomorrow’s not here won’t wish it away I can’t walk back and fix what’s behind The path before me is where I will find Trials and pain, joy in the race Shame washed away shattered by grace I don’t understand why God chose me To fight this battle where others can see There must be a reason for a heart laid bare Before the skeptics and those unaware I wish I could know how my life will end I can’t see down the road around the bend Only God knows the time and the hour When in my life He will release His power I only know in my human frailty That God will be strongest when I bow my knee I will fight this fight I will fight it well And one day I will win, only time will tell. I found this poem ...

God Told Me

These days when I hear someone say, “God told me…” I have a tendency to cringe; and most of the time it is noticeable.   I have however, managed in some situations to be respectful of the person delivering the divine revelation.   It’s not that I don’t believe people still hear the voice of God as they did in Moses’ days.   I just think that more often than not our opinion is burning hotter than the bush that Moses encountered.   In an effort to be taken seriously we think it necessary to preface our words with, God told me.   Somehow this little phrase will make everything ok if the person on the receiving end doesn’t like what we have said, or is hurt by it.   Have you ever been the person on the receiving end of a “divine revelation”?   I have been both blessed by this and hurt.   I have been blessed when someone called because while they were reading scripture or praying, I was on their mind and they prayed for me.   They called to share ...