When Life Hurts
Last week I learned about a 12 year old boy from my home town who took his own life. The word on the street is that he suffered with depression and he was bullied. Both of which are so difficult. There were many thoughts expressed as well as questions. The question that was asked most frequently was, “how does a 12 year old feel that hopeless”. He was a child. I wrestled with this into the night when I learned about it. Yesterday I saw his picture along with his obituary that told of the things that he enjoyed. His picture still haunts me. Why? I didn’t even know him or his family. I suppose there are many asking the question that I am asking today; what could have been done to save him? Instead of trying to come up with an answer to any of it, I went to National Alliance on Mental Illness website www.nami.org . There is a well written guide called “What Families Need to Know About Adolescent Depression”....